1.28 €

depuis le 12 Jan. 2025


1.28 €

depuis le 12 Jan. 2025

Policy on the use of cookies on Airwell websites

Airwell Residential’s websites (the “Websites”) uses cookies, which are stored in the user’s computer terminal.


The purpose of this cookie policy (hereinafter,the “Cookie Policy”) is to inform users of the terms of use of cookies on the Websites and to explain how they can accept or refuse the use of such cookies by way of a dedicated tool.


This Cookie Policy completes Airwell Residential’s Privacy Policy. Those capitalized terms not defined in this Cookie Policy are defined in the Privacy Policy.

1. What is a “cookie”?

A cookie is a text file (in .txt format) of only a few kilobytes in size, containing a string of characters such as letters, figures, or symbols.


Cookies are sent by the server of the website You are browsing and are stored on the storage medium of Your computer, tablet or smartphone, depending on the type of terminal You are using.


A cookie generally only contains certain data by which You can be identified, directly or indirectly, such as the name of the server it is sent by, a session identifier, a date of expiry and, potentially, information on Your browsing of the website concerned, such as the pages browsed for example.


The main purpose of a cookie is to communicate with the browser software You use on Your terminal. The cookie sends information to the browser, which returns information to the website that sent the cookie, primarily to enable browsing. The cookie memorises, for example, a session identifier, the language used, the pages browsed on the website or the management of Your account, depending on the case and what the cookie is designed to do.


Cookies can be strictly technical and necessary, in particular, to recognise You when You return to a website after leaving it, or to establish a secure connection for an online purchase. Cookies can also be used to provide statistics, audience and performance ratings, as well as targeted advertising to send You advertisements that match Your tastes, as shown by Your internet browsing habits.


Airwell Residential’s Websites do not do any targeted advertising.

2. What legal and regulatory requirements apply to cookies?

The Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique & Libertés), adapted to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR“), includes various obligations for controllers of personal data processing who use cookies on their website.


Internet users must be informed that cookies are used and must consent to such use, except where strictly technical cookies are concerned (e.g., cookies enabling the shopping cart to function or memorising the language of the website browsed). In the latter case, internet users are not required to give their consent and must only be informed.


Furthermore, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), which is the authority in charge of enforcing the Data Protection Act in France, adopted new guidelines that were completed by a recommendation on 17 September 2020 requiring website editors who use cookies to obtain the user’s express consent to the use of non-strictly technical cookies (the“Recommendation”).


According to the Recommendation, consent must be given by taking clear and positive action. Contrary to former practices, the fact of continuing to browse a website can no longer be deemed as giving consent.

It is for this reason that, when You first connect to Airwell Residential’s Websites, a banner pops up on the home page to inform You that cookies are used and to enable You to configure the use of each individual cookie in a dedicated tool that can be accessed via the banner and via the website footer.

3. Who is the data controller for the processing done by the cookies?

The data controller is Airwell Residential, a Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS – simplified joint stock company) with a share capital of EUR 2,500,000, registered in Versailles (France) under number 752 800 862, whose head office is located 10 rue du Fort de Saint-Cyr, 78180 Montigny le Bretonneux, represented by its President.


If You have any questions concerning the use of cookies by Airwell Residential’s websites, please send an email to the following address:

4. What are the purposes of the cookies used on our Websites?

We inform You that the purposes of the cookies We use on our Websites, on the date of this Cookie Policy, are the following:


  • strictly technical cookies: We use cookies whose exclusive purpose is to enable the Websites to function properly. This is the case, for example, for the cookie that memorises the language of the website (as it exists in several languages);
  • cookies intended to provide browsing statistics: these are Google Analytics cookies, which enable to count the pages viewed;
  • cookies intended to enable sharing on social networks: these cookies enable the sharing of the content of a page on Facebook, for example.


The average lifetime of a cookie is 13 months.

5. Can You configure Your cookies settings on our Website?

In accordance with the Recommendation, our Websites give You the ability to configure the use of cookies in a very detailed way, and thus to accept or refuse their use.


To do so, You can use the dedicated tool. Each cookie can be either activated (meaning that You accept its use) or blocked. Your decision is not final: it is memorised, and You can modify Your choice at any time by using the dedicated tool.


Proof of consent to (or refusal of) the use of the cookies is stored by Airwell Residential by means of a cookie.

6. Can You configure Your browser to manage cookies?

Yes, even though the CNIL now requires consent to be given for each individual cookie or purpose, internet browser software editors still provide a cookie management function directly in the browser.


The procedure varies depending on the browsers that are currently the most popular and depending on their version.


For the most popular browsers on the market, We set out below the procedures for configuring Your internet browser software to block all or part of the cookies.


These procedures may change over time when the software is updated. We suggest that You read the cookies information provided by the editors of the software to get the latest version.


If You use Internet Explorer or Edge (Microsoft)

To open Internet Explorer, click “Start”, then “Internet Explorer” or “Edge”, as appropriate. Click “Tools”, then “Internet Options”. Click the “Privacy” tab, then click “Settings”, move the cursor upwards to block all the cookies or downwards to accept all the cookies, then click “OK”. Blocking the cookies may prevent the proper display of certain webpages.


If You use Mozilla Firefox

Select the “Preferences” menu, then the “Privacy” tab on the left. In the “History” section, select the option “Firefox will use custom settings for history”. Then click the “Accept cookies” box to activate the cookies or unclick it to refuse them.

Firefox also allows You to define the storage period of cookies and, for example, have them deleted when the browser closes.


If You use Safari (macOS or iOS)

By default, Safari only accepts cookies and website data from the websites You have visited. You can modify Your preferences so that Safari systematically accepts or blocks cookies and other website data.

In Safari, select the “Preferences” tab, then click “Privacy” and select an option for “Cookies and other website data”.

For iOS 12, it is only possible to “Block all cookies”. If You select that option, the system then informs You that websites will probably not function and that the cookies and other website data on Your device will be deleted. The software also provides an option to “Prevent cross-site tracking”, which theoretically makes it impossible to track between several websites and to use cookies for retargeting purposes.


If You use Google Chrome

Click the “Settings” menu, then select “Advanced options” to access the “Privacy” menu. There, You can select various options such as “Block all cookies” or “Block third-party cookies”.

7. How can cookies be deleted?

If You do not want to refuse the use of cookies, but simply delete some of them, here are the procedures, depending on the browser You use.


If You use Internet Explorer or Edge (Microsoft)

In Internet Explorer or Edge, click “Tools”, then “Internet options”. Then, in the “General” tab, under “Browser history”, click “Settings”. Then click “Display files”.

Click the heading of the “Name” column to sort the files in alphabetical order, then scroll down the list until You see file names beginning with the word “Cookie”.

Select the cookie(s) You want to delete and delete them. Close the window containing the list of files, then click “OK” twice to return to Internet Explorer.


If You use Mozilla Firefox

Go to the “Tools” tab in the browser and select the “Options” menu. In the window that pops up, select the “Privacy” tab and click “Display cookies”. Look for the files You want to delete. Select them and delete them.


If You use Safari (macOS or iOS)

In the menu bar, choose “Safari” then click “Settings”. Click the “Privacy” tab, then click “Details”. The latest version of Safari indicates the number of cookies stored in Your computer. You can either delete all the cookies at the same time or just delete those You no longer want.

Select the cookies You want to delete and click “Delete”. After deleting the cookies, click “Done”.

To delete cookies if Your using Safari with iOS 8 or later versions, go to “Settings”, “Safari”, then tap “Clear history and website data”. To delete other stored information, go to “Settings”, “Safari”, “Advanced”, “Website data” and tap “Delete all website data”.


If You use Google Chrome

Click the “Settings” menu, then select “Advanced options” to access the “Privacy” menu. There, click “Display cookies”. Select the cookies You want to delete and click “Delete”. After deleting the cookies, click “Close”.

8. How can You obtain further information on this subject?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, You have the right, at any time, to request access to Your personal data and the rectification, modification or erasure thereof if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous or out of date.

You also have the right to refuse, on legitimate grounds, the processing of Your personal data. However, any such refusal will probably render the use of our Websites impossible.


You can exercise these rights by sending an email to the following address: